Tutorials AutoCAD


Professione: *
Software: AutoCAD
Regione: Lombardia
video tutorial

- Opzioni di Stampa e CTB
- Differenze di Stampa da Spazio Modello e da Spazio Carta
- Colori nello Spazio Carta
- Esempio di Impaginazione in Spazio Carta
- Stile di Testo
- Allineamento e Giustificazione Testo
- Quote
- Blocchi e Attributi
- La Quotatura
- Raster e Vettoriale, RGB e CMYK
- Risoluzione e DPI



Professione: Scarabocchiatore
Software: AutoCAD 2020 - QGIS
Regione: Italia

Customize the Ribbon in AutoCAD 2009
This tutorial outlines how to customize the ribbon in AutoCAD. The ribbon is a palette that displays task-based buttons and controls that are relevant to the current workspace.

Working with Action Recorder in AutoCAD 2009
With the Action Recorder, you can create action macros that can be used to automate repetitive tasks. This tutorial outlines the steps involved in creating an action macro that records a series of actions for creating a new layer and draw a multileader with two leaders using Action Recorder in AutoCAD 2009.

Visualization: Basics of Rendering in AutoCAD 2009
This tutorial outlines the procedures on how to use 3D commands and tools to render a 3D model such as render presets, views, and illumination.

Navigating a Model with SteeringWheels in AutoCAD 2009
This tutorial outlines the procedures in using SteeringWheels, which allow you to pan, zoom, and manipulate the current view of a model. SteeringWheels give you access to both 2D and 3D navigation tools in a single interface.

Navigating a Model with the ViewCube in AutoCAD 2009
This tutorial outlines how to use the ViewCube, a 3D navigation tool, to provide visual feedback about the current orientation of a model.

Switching Workspaces in AutoCAD 2009
This tutorial outlines the steps in switching workspaces in AutoCAD 2009. You can now quickly access tools and commands by displaying only the relevant user interface elements.

Finding Information Using InfoCenter in AutoCAD 2009
This tutorial outlines the steps in searching and receiving information using InfoCenter in AutoCAD 2009. You can use InfoCenter to search a variety of information sources with one query.

Creating Schedules and Tables in AutoCAD 2009 (Metric)
This tutorial outlines the procedures to create two different schedules. The first schedule is a basic table. The second schedule creates a live link to the data in a Microsoft Excel file.

Creating Schedules and Tables in AutoCAD 2009 (Imperial)
This tutorial outlines the procedures to create two different schedules. The first schedule is a basic table. The second schedule creates a live link to the data in a Microsoft Excel file.

Working with Space Plans in AutoCAD 2009 (Metric)
This tutorial outlines the steps involved in adding hatches to the building.

Working with Space Plans in AutoCAD 2009 (Imperial)
This tutorial outlines the steps involved in adding hatches to the building.

Creating Floor Plans in AutoCAD 2009 (Metric)
This tutorial outlines the steps involved in adding walls, door and windows (dynamic blocks), room and door tags.

Creating Floor Plans in AutoCAD 2009 (Imperial)
This tutorial outlines the steps involved in adding walls, door and windows (dynamic blocks), room and door tags.

Adding Details in AutoCAD 2009 (Metric)
This tutorial outlines the steps in adding architecture details to a wall in AutoCAD 2009.

Adding Details in AutoCAD 2009 (Imperial)
This tutorial outlines the steps in adding architecture details to a wall in AutoCAD 2009.

AutoCAD Operating Dashboard
This tutorial walks you through the procedures to operate a dashboard to maximize the area available for work and use a single interface for speed and convenience.

Working with Multileaders in AutoCAD 2008
This tutorial walks you through the enhancements to Multileaders in AutoCAD 2008. You can now create leaders with more control and flexibility.

Setup Drawings for Scaling Annotations in AutoCAD 2008
This tutorial walks you through using the enhanced Annotative Objects in AutoCAD 2008. You can now manage your annotations more efficiently.

Working with Tables in AutoCAD 2008
This tutorial outlines the procedures involved in creating a cost estimate table in AutoCAD 2008 by linking cost data maintained in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet with properties extracted from an AutoCAD drawing.


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DevTV: Introduction to AutoCAD .NET Programming

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Utente Junior
Professione: Ingegnere
Software: Inventor, Creo, 3DS, Catia
Regione: Italia
Ciao a tutti

avrei bisogno di un manuale per apprendere autoCAD 2011 nel più breve tempo possibili. Avete qualche consiglio?



Utente Junior
Professione: architettura/ingegneria
Software: autocad
Regione: lombardia
Il sito abcautocad contiene i seguenti video-tutorial:

- Introduzione ad AutoCAD
- Usare gli strumenti di disegno
- Stampa dai layout
- Creare blocchi con attributi e estrarre tabelle di computo
- Convertire i nomi dei layer
- Creare un filmato
- Creare i blocchi dinamici



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